• 2010

    Beyond the Dream

    YEAR 2010
    Drifting Bottle No 123

    On January 1, 2010 Image Tunnel began redesign her layout. A landscape designer and a director visited twice until they finally met the owner of 19Art on January 23. They joined the redesigning at once. Meanwhile M50 began its renovation. Garbage flooded the riverside. They became scavenger, for environmental protection--DIY creative designing, and saving a lot of trees. Designers, directors, and musicians were also involved in their own creative work and the integration of such space to Image Tunnel in 2010.  I believe you can appreciate the significance of this concept!

    Drifting bottle No 210: story continues

    On February 10, 2010 Image Tunnel set sail with teachers from Taiwan, Australia and other scholars. The world's creative industry expands into topics of exchange and communication.

    Drifting bottle No 61: story continues
    Seed germination of "love leaf"
    In early spring of 2010, Image Tunnel 2009 年sowing "seeds of love" germinates! Jointly supported by the 399 drifting bottles created the blossomed "love leaf"! Suzhou Creek is in the veins and the love story goes on. . . . . .

    19Art Leading the Future
    To penetrate living art
    To lead the life of human communication

    To give rise to a generation of cultural arts for the original concept of Image Tunnel’s brand image, on the occasion of Christmas 2009, the introduction of the first "19Art" art of perfume was named. "19Art" implied that the brand was founded in Image Tunnel - M50, 50 Moganshan Road, Building 19, also highlights the nature of its integration with thearts. The Crystal body perfume bottle is made by hand into flowing water-like ripples.  Inthe classic cube shape, the creative mind comes from Shanghai in a "magical

    understanding." In addition, the traditional Chinese Jiugongge cube has the same purpose by the artist’s creative magic pen, given its "bump" concept of consistency, indicates Tai Chi Yin and Yang harmony. The aroma is by professional perfumers carefully designed with the team, for a fruity fragrance blend of mellow and woody, durable and distant, unique oriental charm.

    In the same period "19Art" Rose Art limited edition fragrance arrived to commemorate the February 14, 2010 Chinese New Year Spring Festival and the Western Valentine's Daydual calendar spectacle, also with the 2010 Expo Shanghai World Expo, for the 2010 limited edition bottle. Cikuan Rose Limited Edition "19Art", rose-based fragrance is an
    atural tone, also carried in a handmade glass perfume bottle. Cube is more unique but comparable to the natural charm of purple amethyst, for a more valuable collection.

    "Style box" is the ancient Chinese texture and structure, Ouyang Xun integrated into calligraphy, for stability and a sense of order; Zhuge Kong Ming and Jiugong integrated
    concept evolved into Jiu Gong Bagua Zhen; and Chinese metaphysics into the art of Qi Men Dun Jia, is extended. "Style box" is three vertical and three horizontal sections,
    forming nine independent and interdependent units. It is an internally structured and interdependent mix. 

    The China Pavilion is at the top of Jiugongge.

    February 14, 2010 encounter
    The fragrance has now entered France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan. . . . . . Art enchanted by the domestic and foreign artists to participate in a dialogue with the director, painter, art director, musicians, architects have become the leading art of perfume spokesperson.


    Imagetunnel -------- 19 Art

    If the artistic imagination is a romantic and beautiful flower, then the architects, painters, sculptors, photographers, designers, are one of a spiritual flower; a petal and the unique spirit, increasing with other flower petals to gather meditation, spirituality into one, and from the trembling chords of it stretch to bud the full bloom from Intelligent Passion! Each petal flaps their individual wisdom and lights the whole intersection, in general this lifecycle of poems reaches a higher realm, while flying passion flowers and pollenates, bees ride on the wings of art, with the dream of flowers beginning their abstract journey. 

    Imagetunnel - 19 Art, is personal perspective, dissemination, interpretation of the concept of contemporary culture and the arts. Imagetunnel has been unremitting in its seven years of nonprofit work, walking the Shanghai urban lifeline, in architecture, art, photography, and through design academics silently practice their beliefs.

    Life, art, life. Smart living together for art, life and a wonderful journey began, let us return to the source of the nature of life.

    In the contemporary context, Imagetunnel lets you into the arts, to learn the wisdom of self-confidence, calmness, independent thinking and vision!

    From one cell in a yard to start a story, focusing on 2009 and 2010,

    The mysterious Jiugongge will extend to China's ancient culture .......

    Art itself is a stray
    Art is life, a first
    Art is a happy life
    Art is a life touched
    Art is a human pursuit
    Art is an inspiration alone
    Art is a dream beyond
    Art is a sublimation of the soul,
    Art is the soul of a communication



    2010年1月1日Image Tunnel开始了四层空间的调整,一位导演与一位景观设计师二次来访终于在1月23日与19art主人相遇,开始成为参与19art空间的主要设计与拍摄者,M50正在进行面子工程,苏州河边堆满了垃圾,他们成了拾荒者,以环保的理念、自己动手做创意的设计。。。同时救了许多小树,其他的设计师、导演、音乐人也参与了自己创意的作品与空间的融合等,相信2010年来Image Tunnel可以体会这种理念的意义!


    2010年2月10 日Image Tunnel起航三周年,韩老师在小屋找到了以前自己制作的2007年起航的船票,来自台湾、澳大利亚等学者不期而遇地上了Image Tunnel起航号,幸运的得到了“起航”船票,大家相信这是缘分!于是世界创意产业话题在此交流与沟通,Image Tunnel漂流瓶、香水、希望之星、水晶“爱心种子”“爱心叶”“花精灵”“隧道戒指”等成为传递中国新生代文化理念的载体!


    2010年早春,Image Tunnel2009年播种的“爱心种子”发芽啦!由399漂流瓶联合支持打造的“爱心叶”成长起来了!苏州河在叶脉上延伸,爱的故事在延续。。。。。。同时还有“花精灵”“隧道戒指”......


    以新生代文化崛起为概念的原创艺术品牌Image Tunnel于2009年圣诞之际,推出首款以“19Art”命名的艺术香水。“19Art”暗喻了Image Tunnel的品牌创立地——M50莫干山路50号19号楼,更凸现了其与艺术融为一体的特质。晶莹剔透的香水玻璃瓶体由手工打磨而成,犹如活水凝聚而成的涟漪。经典的魔方造型,其创意初衷来自对上海这一“魔都”的理解。此外与中国传统九宫格有着异曲同工之妙的魔方经由艺术家创意的妙笔,赋予了其“凹凸”相合的理念,预示着太极阴阳的和谐。该款香水由专业调香师团队精心调配设计而成,香调糅合了果香与木香的醇美,持久而悠远,独具东方神韵。

    同期推出的“19Art”玫瑰限量版艺术香水,纪念2010年2月14日中国新年春节与西方情人节双历合日的历法奇观,同时也配合2010 Expo上海世博,限量2010瓶。此款玫瑰限量版“19Art”,香气是天然的玫瑰为主调…  同时,承载香水的手工玻璃魔方瓶更以独特的魅惑紫而堪比天然的紫水晶,更具珍藏价值。





    Imagetunnel--------19 Art


    Imagetunnel——19 Art,她以个性化的视角,传播、演绎着当代文化艺术的理念。Imagetunnel已经以其7年不懈的公益性努力,行走在上海的城市生命线上,在建筑、艺术、影像、设计等学术领域无声地践行自己的信念。

    今天Imagetunnel--------19 Art香水诞辰了!这正如集万物精华、汇艺术精英之缘!Imagetunnel一个新的纪元的开始,她以培育远见的视角,了解艺术品质的市场,凸现地域性的文化精髓,以民间精英的动力推动上海城市的品质、让世界真正认识到上海正在发生什么!






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Beyond the Dream

YEAR 2010
Drifting Bottle No 123

On January 1, 2010 Image Tunnel began redesign her layout. A landscape designer and a director visited twice until they finally met the owner of 19Art on January 23. They joined the redesigning at once. Meanwhile M50 began its renovation. Garbage flooded the riverside. They became scavenger, for environmental protection--DIY creative designing, and saving a lot of trees. Designers, directors, and musicians were also involved in their own creative work and the integration of such space to Image Tunnel in 2010.  I believe you can appreciate the significance of this concept!

Drifting bottle No 210: story continues

On February 10, 2010 Image Tunnel set sail with teachers from Taiwan, Australia and other scholars. The world's creative industry expands into topics of exchange and communication.

Drifting bottle No 61: story continues
Seed germination of "love leaf"
In early spring of 2010, Image Tunnel 2009 年sowing "seeds of love" germinates! Jointly supported by the 399 drifting bottles created the blossomed "love leaf"! Suzhou Creek is in the veins and the love story goes on. . . . . .

19Art Leading the Future
To penetrate living art
To lead the life of human communication

To give rise to a generation of cultural arts for the original concept of Image Tunnel’s brand image, on the occasion of Christmas 2009, the introduction of the first "19Art" art of perfume was named. "19Art" implied that the brand was founded in Image Tunnel - M50, 50 Moganshan Road, Building 19, also highlights the nature of its integration with thearts. The Crystal body perfume bottle is made by hand into flowing water-like ripples.  Inthe classic cube shape, the creative mind comes from Shanghai in a "magical

understanding." In addition, the traditional Chinese Jiugongge cube has the same purpose by the artist’s creative magic pen, given its "bump" concept of consistency, indicates Tai Chi Yin and Yang harmony. The aroma is by professional perfumers carefully designed with the team, for a fruity fragrance blend of mellow and woody, durable and distant, unique oriental charm.

In the same period "19Art" Rose Art limited edition fragrance arrived to commemorate the February 14, 2010 Chinese New Year Spring Festival and the Western Valentine's Daydual calendar spectacle, also with the 2010 Expo Shanghai World Expo, for the 2010 limited edition bottle. Cikuan Rose Limited Edition "19Art", rose-based fragrance is an
atural tone, also carried in a handmade glass perfume bottle. Cube is more unique but comparable to the natural charm of purple amethyst, for a more valuable collection.

"Style box" is the ancient Chinese texture and structure, Ouyang Xun integrated into calligraphy, for stability and a sense of order; Zhuge Kong Ming and Jiugong integrated
concept evolved into Jiu Gong Bagua Zhen; and Chinese metaphysics into the art of Qi Men Dun Jia, is extended. "Style box" is three vertical and three horizontal sections,
forming nine independent and interdependent units. It is an internally structured and interdependent mix. 

The China Pavilion is at the top of Jiugongge.

February 14, 2010 encounter
The fragrance has now entered France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan. . . . . . Art enchanted by the domestic and foreign artists to participate in a dialogue with the director, painter, art director, musicians, architects have become the leading art of perfume spokesperson.


Imagetunnel -------- 19 Art

If the artistic imagination is a romantic and beautiful flower, then the architects, painters, sculptors, photographers, designers, are one of a spiritual flower; a petal and the unique spirit, increasing with other flower petals to gather meditation, spirituality into one, and from the trembling chords of it stretch to bud the full bloom from Intelligent Passion! Each petal flaps their individual wisdom and lights the whole intersection, in general this lifecycle of poems reaches a higher realm, while flying passion flowers and pollenates, bees ride on the wings of art, with the dream of flowers beginning their abstract journey. 

Imagetunnel - 19 Art, is personal perspective, dissemination, interpretation of the concept of contemporary culture and the arts. Imagetunnel has been unremitting in its seven years of nonprofit work, walking the Shanghai urban lifeline, in architecture, art, photography, and through design academics silently practice their beliefs.

Life, art, life. Smart living together for art, life and a wonderful journey began, let us return to the source of the nature of life.

In the contemporary context, Imagetunnel lets you into the arts, to learn the wisdom of self-confidence, calmness, independent thinking and vision!

From one cell in a yard to start a story, focusing on 2009 and 2010,

The mysterious Jiugongge will extend to China's ancient culture .......

Art itself is a stray
Art is life, a first
Art is a happy life
Art is a life touched
Art is a human pursuit
Art is an inspiration alone
Art is a dream beyond
Art is a sublimation of the soul,
Art is the soul of a communication

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